Literature & Sermons

Garner Ted Armstrong was a prolific writer and over decades produced hundreds of booklets expounding various Biblical issues.

Booklets are available to read online from our HQ website, download or request hard copy from the titles listed in the “Booklets” link found on the “Contact” page of this website.

Garner Ted Armstrong over decades also preached thousands of sermons. Some of his best can be found at our main website. Many hundreds more can be found on this website in video under the GTA TV & Video Sermons tab and in audio under the “Audio” tab.

CDs and DVDs are available from the Australian GTAEA office.


List of GTA Sermon titles currently available on CD or DVD.

Please restrict each request to two titles only. Additional or alternative titles may be added from time to time.

1 1st Day on Unleavened Bread 1999 CD DVD
2 A Fictitious Letter to Paul CD DVD
3 A Foot Washing Attitude CD DVD
4 A Root of Bitterness CD DVD
5 A Spiritual Virus CD DVD
6 A Work of Faith CD DVD
7 A World Filled With Enemies CD DVD
8 All About Angels Parts 1 + 2 CD DVD
9 Arrogance CD DVD
10 As The Sun In It’s Strength CD DVD
11 By Their Fruits CD DVD
12 Christ in the Old Testament CD DVD
13 Christ Our Passover CD DVD
14 Christ’s Cabinet Ministers CD DVD
15 Christ’s Second Ministry CD DVD
16 Christmas, The Untold Story CD DVD
17 Church Eras and a Place of Safety CD DVD
18 Connecting With God CD DVD
19 Countdown From Heaven CD DVD
20 Courage in the Face of Death CD DVD
21 Culmination of Prophecy CD DVD
22 Daniel and Current Affairs CD DVD
23 Did Christ Preach to Spirits in Hell? CD DVD
24 Facts of the Crucifixion CD DVD
25 Feats of Tabernacles 1999 – Study CD DVD
26 Five Minutes With Christ CD DVD
27 Fulfilled Prophecy – Proof of God CD DVD
28 Galatians 1,2 + 3 CD DVD
29 God’s Greatest Gift CD DVD
30 Halloween and Idolatry CD DVD
31 Holy Time, Holy Place CD DVD
32 Iron and Clay CD DVD
33 Is God a Trinity CD
34 Is God Fair? CD DVD
35 Is Sabbath Observance Optional? CD DVD
36 Is The Soul Immortal CD DVD
37 Is Tolerance a Christian Concept? CD DVD
38 Jeremiah’s Motive CD DVD
39 Lazarus and the Rich Man CD DVD
40 Lessons From Corinthians CD DVD
41 Love the Lord With All Your Heart CD DVD
42 Love Your Enemies CD DVD
43 Many Called, Few Chosen CD DVD
44 All About Prayer CD DVD
45 Mind Pollution CD DVD
46 Mission of the Church CD DVD
47 Modern Babel CD DVD
48 Money and Tithing CD DVD
49 Must You Believe in the Trinity to be Saved? CD DVD
50 My Burden Is Light CD DVD
51 Nailed to the Cross CD DVD
52 No Baggage Allowed CD DVD
53 One Day At a Time CD DVD
54 Order in the Church CD DVD
55 Our Common Goal CD DVD
56 Our Secret Place CD DVD
57 Ezekiel’s Message CD DVD
58 Pentecost 2000 CD DVD
59 Pentecost 2001 CD DVD
60 Pentecost and Salvation CD DVD
61 Plagues and the Passover CD DVD
62 Power Beyond Knowledge CD DVD
63 Put Away Other Gods CD DVD
64 Real Happiness CD DVD
65 Religious Partisanship CD DVD
66 The 144,000 in Prophecy CD DVD
67 Religious Tyrants CD DVD
68 Repentance CD DVD
69 Restitution of All Things CD DVD
70 A Coming Mass Conversion CD DVD
71 Ripping Up Roots CD DVD
72 Seasons of Life CD DVD
73 Soul Sleeping CD DVD
74 Study of Colossians 2 CD DVD
75 The Battle Is Not Yours CD DVD
76 The BIG Picture CD DVD
77 The BIG Question CD DVD
78 The Blessings of Freedom CD DVD
79 The Culmination of Prophecy CD DVD
80 The Dead, Awake or Sleeping? CD DVD
81 The End Time Work CD DVD
82 The First Great Edict CD DVD
83 The Good Fight CD DVD
84 The Government On His Shoulders CD DVD
85 The Greatest Battle CD DVD
86 The Hickory Flute CD DVD
87 The Independent CD DVD
88 The Invisible Things CD DVD
89 The Jesus You Never Met CD DVD
90 The Real Birthday of Jesus Christ CD DVD
91 The Resurrections Parts 1 + 2 CD DVD
92 The Root Cause of World Trouble CD DVD
93 The Test Commandment CD DVD
94 The Third Year in the Kingdom CD DVD
95 The Trials Ahead CD DVD
96 Is Jesus God CD DVD
97 The Very Elect CD DVD
98 The Warning! CD DVD
99 The Wise of This World CD DVD
100 Ultimate Betrayal CD DVD
101 Visits From Space CD DVD
102 What a Family CD DVD
103 What is Your Inheritance? CD DVD
104 Where Did You Get It? CD DVD
105 Who Is The Antichrist? CD DVD
106 Why Fast? CD DVD
107 Why Organize CD DVD
108 Willingly Ignorant CD DVD
109 Works and Rewards CD DVD
110 Worldly Government CD DVD
111 Yardstick Religion CD DVD
112 You Can Take It With You CD DVD
113 Your First Priority CD DVD
114 Your Greatest Responsibility CD DVD